
2011.04.16 - XXXV Krajowa Wystawa Psów Rasowych - Grudziądz (PL)

Yesterday Namtar z Peronówki made his dog show debut. He participated in the intermediate class and was judged with excellent note and received his first CWC - so he began his Polish Championship ...

Namtar aka Demon is a true copy of its award-winning father Balrog z Peronówki - if he will like the dogs shows as much as his father a bright future awaits him ... Smile

2011.04.03 - 44. Internationale Rassehundausstellung - Berlin (DE)

A typical dog show with the "z Peronówki" mark... Wink

International dog shows in the capital of Germany, German judge paying attention to the character of the dogs, 11 wolfdogs and only 2 dogs from our kennel who... took away everything they could, and get all titles they were able to get...


Best of Breed (BOB) - K-lee Vornja z Peronówki

2011.03.27 - XV Concurso Canino - Villa de Benalmadena (ES)

Another dog show - another success... Laughing out loud


BOB - Kimaris Kay z Peronówki

2011.03.06 - XXIX Zielonogórska Wystawa Psów Rasowych - Drzonków (PL)

The exhibition in Drzonków ended (traditionally) with a huge success. And it is much larger because CsWs were judged by the Polish judge Anna Kochan - who is one of the few judges who decided to really learn this breed and assisted also by the special dog show in Slovakia. She really knows Wolfdogs very well and knows was it an advantage, and what is fault by them.

And it was visible by the results:


Best of Breed and Best Male became Eligo z Peronówki


2005.09.18 - Peronowka: Best Kennel 2005 of the Club Dog Show

Peronówka became the Best Kennel of the Year 2005 during the Club Dog Show which took place on 18.09.2005 in Lodz.

Andariel Wolf, Balrog & Draig z Peronówki, Jolly z Molu Es, Dewi & Cheitan z Peronówki

2005.09.24 - Jolly - Best Female of the Special DS for CzW in Herxheim (D)

The biggest german dog show for Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs - 10. VDH-Spezialzuchtschau für TWH - is already over. All our dogs went fine but the biggest laurels reaped JOLLY z Molu Es. She beated very strong competition and became The Best Bitch of The Special Dog Show.

JOLLY z Molu Es

2005.10.09 - Culsu: huge success on the IDS in Rostock (D)

On the International Dog Show in Rostock (D) Culsu z Peronówki not only won the youth class and get the certificate for the Junior German Champion but after the comparition with adult dogs she beated the revils and in the age of only 10 months she get the title "Best of Breed" (BOB).

Culsu z Peronówki

2005.10.23 - And another BOB for Balrog... Cracow (PL)

During a cosy dog show for the dogs from the 1st FCI-group which took place in Cracow Balrog presented himself very good and he not only get another CWC but he also won the whole competition and received the title "Best of Breed"...

Balrog z Peronówki

2000.09.03 - 5. SZS für Saarlos und TWH - Neuengeseke (D)

The most important dog show for Wolfdogs (not only Czechoslovakian but also for Saarloos) in Germany is already over.... The long way was worth to do it....

The judge was Uwe Fischer which is known for his care that all dogs have the right typical character. It was the reason why shy dogs get maximal the note "very good".

After comparition with the slovakian champion Aron we made it - our Bolton Eden severu get the title "Best Male" and also became Club Winner of the German CzW Club.

2000.12.31 - Competition 'Most titled dog of the Year 2000 in Czech Republic'

The competition is organized by the Czech CzW Club. After colecting so may titles it was not surprised that our Bolton Eden severu won this competition and become the "Most Titled Dog of the Year 2000 in CZ'...

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