1998.12.13-2006.12.08 - Bolton Eden Severu
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Bolton Eden severu
"Let's make haste in loving people, they leave us so soon..." - unfortunately the words of the Polish poet - priest, late Jan Twardowski are even more true about our dogs. When somebody decides to buy a puppy he should be aware that he'll have to part with his friend soon, much too soon... And in case of Bolton this moment arrived unexpectedly...
"Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... "
It seems a little puppy has just come to live with us. I was told that his growing up and maturing would be very visible, that after two years we'd have a dog that wouldn't let anyone touch him and that he might tolerate his owners only as food providers...
But this never happened - Bolton grew up to be a really big dog, but his character never changed: he was always friendly and sociable. He loved to be in the centre of interest, to attract attention and until his death he remained the same happy puppy which I brought from Prague almost eight years ago.
It was thanks to him that we fell in love with the breed... it was he who brought the greatest input in popularizing the breed, not only in Poland. It was he, who kept struggling with all stereotypes about wolfdogs... He became one of the best recognizable and best known representatives of the breed in our part of the world. Not due to his looks, but rather thanks to his extraordinary character.
He showed everybody, that a wolfdog was not necessarily a lone-wolf that hardly tolerated his family. He showed that wolfdogs had many more positive features of character than were described in advertisements and fewer vices than critics of the breed indicated.
It was Bolton, who showed us how to treat Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs and how to bring up wolfdog pups so as to avoid mistakes. This knowledge acquired from Bolo helps now the new puppy owners deal with their pups...
At dog shows Bolton taught the judges that a wolfdog did not need to be shy, that he could be a nice, pleasant creature which could be stroked and cuddled, that wolfdogs could be approachable and their teeth easily checked.
Bolton taught himself to recognise the judges whom he had met earlier and always welcomed them warmly like old friends. He couldn't show more joy than on hearing a judge's words: "What a lovely wolfdog...." That's probably why he was always their favourite pet and the winner of numerous dog shows. He obtained lots of valuable titles and for years was virtually unbeatable thanks to this warm nature of his.
He showed people that a wolfdog did not need to stay in a muzzle all the time. That a wolfdog did not attack strangers and reject all friendships at the age of two. He made it clear that when a wolfdog matured it did not mean that he would attack everybody including his owner. He revealed the truth that CSV might be both a valuable guard and a friendly host in one. Bolton loved visitors and his eager attempts to kiss them affectionately were the only 'dangerous' activity towards them. He acted the host at our home since he wished to welcome personally each visitor, receive the compliments and attention and then lie down in an exposed place, so that everybody could cuddle him easily and talk to him… Well, he definitely was not the sort of dog that could remain unnoticed or forgotten...
In our pack he was a definite alpha- male. It isn't common to meet a dog of equally strong and domineering character. He always easily gained supremacy over other males who didn't even try to confront him. We saw many male dogs of very strong character acting playful puppies in the presence of Bolton, without even showing a single attempt to demonstrate their strength.
Bolton showed us that a leader should not gain his position through aggression but rather through the strength of his character and charisma. He showed us that a leader was NOT the biggest and the most aggressive character in the pack, but rather the wisest and the most just for each pack member.
By observing his behaviour we managed to learn how to control the pack without using physical power, pinch-prong collars and without listening to many absurd theses of pseudo-specialists who wrote loads of instructions on how strict one should be with dogs in order to teach them obedience. Bolton showed us that kindness might bring much better results...
As far as training was concerned Bolton helped us realise how bright wolfdogs were. He was an obvious proof that CSV training successes did not depend on showing the dog who was stronger, but rather who was wiser. He knew hundreds of tricks of how to avoid training when he was not motivated sufficiently, but he was always ready to do anything for a reasonable treat. Bolton did not enjoy training defence - he saw no reason why he should bite a man who neither threatened him, not did him any wrong. But in real life circumstances when his support was needed I could ALWAYS count on him as a defender. He never let me down in such a situation. |
When struggling with his illness Bolton showed us how strong a wolfdog's body might be. Just two weeks ago he came back form a walk with a sight limp. Some time ago our vet had warned us that such thing might occur because Bolton was big and heavy. Big dogs are prone to suffer from diseases typical for big breeds - limps, joints ailments, etc. It seemed at first that he only strained his muscle and soon his condition improved. But on Tuesday he was sad and not himself - seemed weaker and without appetite. On Wednesday morning we took him to one of the best equipped veterinary clinics in Zielona Gora. X-ray tests showed that his spleen had an irregular shape. When taking his blood the vet suggested that Bolo might be slightly anemic, but the results were very bad, tragic, in fact. According to common veterinary knowledge a dog in his state shouldn't have been able to walk not to mention signing bushes to cover traces of other males that had visited the clinic earlier. The USG showed a spleen cancer and a need for a life-saving operation. However, before the surgery, which was set for Friday, the vet ordered a strengthening treatment after which Bolton felt much better. On Thursday he was as happy as ever acting his favourable role of a host to our visitors and we were full of hope and good thoughts. Unfortunately, they left us in the clinic when it turned out that Bolton 's heart was weak and the surgery - risky, but it was the ONLY hope. Soon even this sparkle of hope died - it turned out that the cancer was huge and attacked most internal organs. Only when it reached the spleen it gave the first visible symptoms. Even if the surgery were a success he didn't have more than a few days of life ahead. We followed our vet's advice and decided not to wake him only to let him suffer and die in pain a few days later....
He left us on 8 December just before 5 pm He would be 8 years old in five days....
When the van with Bolton got to our yard all the dogs were mute, even Dora, our Alsatian did not give a single bark. Bolton found rest next to Hoky, who would be now his age.
In the evening we could hear a long, moving, lamenting howling. The pack was saying good-bye to their oldest member and first leader....
Bolton is our first wolfdog. Getting him caused us lots of effort and would never have been possible without Internet. Buying him we obviously paid attention to his parents, their results from breeding surveys and HD X-rays. But, as many other beginners planning a Wolfdog puppy, we wanted our dog to be mainly: grey, big, and leading the litter. Our grey puppy turned into a dog with colour shading yellow. Mother Nature was very generous with height and body mass - Bolo is 72 cm high. Self-assured puppy having all the litter in his paws grew into a real "Mr. Dog"
We should thank Bolton for our fascination in dog shows. We were teaching him to stand nicely and to show his bite. Our mistakes were not being punished – for a long time Bolton was the only Wolfdog on the ring, getting awarded almost automatically. But at some point we started missing the adrenaline – and so we went to conquer foreign countries! First to Germany (first big show gave us German Club Winner 2000 title), and then to Wolfdogs' "homeland" – Czech Republic. Even there, despite strong competition, we were given few CACs.
Bolton has very rare and highly desirable yellow-wolflike colour, model mask, excellent angulations and beautiful eye colour (what is still rare in the breed). He is also an old-type Wolfdog: big and heavy. He is impressive and his character makes him a superb guard dog. Nowadays, there are the attempts to receive more sporting type: results of endurance runs and contests show that dogs in wolf-type (lighter, long-legged, not exceeding 70 cm) manage much better as sporting-utility dogs.
After his father (Ch.SK, Ch.CZ Adon Irprus) Bolton got very nice character, after his mother – love for jokes. That is why we were not surprised with the results of breeding survey: Bolo got "Oh" code, which means "gentle – less excitable".
Thanks to Bolo we fell in love with the breed. He showed us that the Wolfdog does not have to be aggressive or fearful. He made us realize how much the authors of many books and publications on Wolfdogs are mistaken presenting that breed as individuals impossible for training and not finding their place in the civilized world.
What is Bolo like? His character was perfectly described by one of our friends after she met him for the first time:
"First I have noticed Margo with Bolo, who became my great sympathy – and I was his, judging from the enthusiasm he was kissing me with, and his kisses were Something – Bolo is biiiiiiig!!! Although thin and shapely it is really hard not to fall down when he puts his paws on human's arms
I really appreciate Bolo's well-balanced character: he is simply self-confident and his calm and kind attitude to the world comes from this confidence – as long as this world does not provoke him or attack him – then even Bolo looses his patience Luckily, that day the world was kind for Bolo and it was a real pleasure to see how – without any sense of nervousness – he waited for other dogs to come near – he was sniffing them with confined interest as a king lowering his head over his dependants
Bolton's pedigree is very interesting – one of his ancestors is Kazan z Pohranicni straze (F1), a result of last crossing of the wolf and German Shepherd that took place in 1983. Wild ancestor in his pedigree is already in 5 generation.
Bolton is a dog of typically Czech origin – he belongs to "Ayak z Vlamy" line.
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