Krajowa Wystawa Grupy I - Wrocław (PL) 11.06.2011
Dog show in Wroclaw is one of our favorites - a great area, fantastic atmosphere and the weather always "made to order". What more can you ask...?
Csw were judged by Mariola Semik.

This day definitely belonged to Jaud Maly Bysterec who won the titles Best of Breed, Best Bitch and another CWC-certificate. She follows the path of her father Eligo Peronówki - I am not happy a lot with her presentation, but she has a HUGE potential - I have only to wait and work with her. Her dad also had his ups and downs before he became an old show stager......
The age (11 years) is not visible on Jolly of Molu Es - so she won another Best Veteran title and she also successes in the finals - 3 place on BIS Veterans...
Also the professional K-lee Vornja z Peronówki didn't fail - once again we showed us her versatility and how a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog should present in the show ring. For all this she was awarded the CWC certificate..
Qareen z Peronówki has currently one disadvantage - lack of hair ... And it decided about her second place. But the hair will grow back - what will stay are the compliments on her movement - they are for me very important, because it shows that she has seriously excellent construction. Qareen is our rough and... bald diamond...
And last but not least, the youngest "Peronówek" at the show - Tannin z Peronówki. Second place - deserved because unfortunately we had some "technical" problems during the presentation ... In the description we have "good presented dog", but this is my merit, not of him He was running only in the direction of his grandmother. In the second direction I ran, he was pulling...
But nevertheless - for a short time he presented his movement and that moment was enough for the judge to write the great words: "no doubt the biggest advantage of this dog is his movement. Very typical, smooth." Indeed - although he is a strong built wolfdog hes movement is still smooth and harmonious. If only it wanted to show it....
Anyż Lunar Wilk z baśni & Tannin z Peronówki
And the family? The Best Baby title received son of Kalaratri z Peronówki - Anyż Lunar Wilk z baśni.
Best Puppy and BIS 3. (Puppies) became son of Andariel Wolf z Peronówki - Baldur Braterstwo wilczaków, who won the comparition with the best puppy - female - X-trovertidą Presta Atropa bella donna (daughter of K-lee Vornja z Peronówki).
very nice photos, tunnin will be a great champion !! and jaud is every time better !! i wont all 2
congratulation another fo all nice handler!!
Thank you...! I really hope
Thank you...! I really hope it for Tannin... I would keep him if I would not have Eligo at home (he want to be the only male here
) And Jaud - yes, she is getting better and better... But still there is a lot of work for us...